Dove Cricket Club offers its hearty congratulations to Woodley Cricket Club on winning the 2022 Bissenden Cup in a sun blessed, low scoring final hosted by New Mills Cricket Club.
Woodley were the deserved winners being the better side on the day in this keenly and at times passionately fought Bissenden Cup Final.
There were several fantastic performances from individuals in both teams particularly in relation to the bowling statistics and really outstanding catches on the field of play.
Dove Cricket Club sincerely wishes to thank the League for their support of the competition, all of the Clubs who took part in the various stages, New Mills Cricket Club for their considerable endeavours to put on a final that ran like clockwork, Martin Cooper and Nick Latham for donning their white coats and last but not least Paul Smith and Martin Cooper for their appropriate words and presentation of the awards.
Dove may have been on the losing side today but you can be rest assured that they will be back in future Seasons to compete for Silverware with renewed vigour and determination!
Trusting that you will all enjoy the rest of the Season.
Roger T Marshall