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AGM Round up

The season has certainly been a significant turning point for the club, with the transformation from a ‘run of the mill village operation’ to a modern, ambitious, community based sports club.

The newly renovated pavilion is now the centre piece of the club having central heating, thermal insulation, new floors, kitchen and the installation of an external electric box. Also LED lighting, furniture, carpets, two television screens and importantly to some, darts and dominoes facilities all add to the atmosphere. To finish things and protect the club a new CCTV system has been installed.

All the above was achieved by hard working members and their families, giving up their valuable spare time and along with our connections with some highly qualified tradesmen, all the tricky jobs were achieved that were beyond our pen pushers and bean counters.

A fully licensed bar has been installed and boasts the latest beer dispensing technology, which enables us to deliver a smooth operation, which makes us the envy of our cricketing neighbours. Several barriers were overcome and the facility is now bringing in a steady income. A variety of customers are now using the establishment and are enjoying the hospitality of our landlord the “Jolly Carter”.

Fund raising again has been a vital element of our club. Last season we held the annual T/20 and CARTERFEST and along with a variety of quiz nights, musical evenings, darts and dominoes competitions helped to provide much needed funds for the club. Any ideas for future events are very much welcome. The figures are staggering and credit goes to the treasurer for keeping tabs on everything, thanks to those who organised the events and thanks to the well oiled cleaning rota that helps keep the club clean.

Plans are all ready in place for the season ahead as well as our usual events we will be proudly hosting a Junior County game, never heard of years ago, so please don’t be shy ”get involved”.

On the field the 1st and 2nd elevens were very competitive finishing 8th and 5th in their respective divisions. The positions highlight the strength of the club in some very uncertain times for cricket. We take great pride in being one of the strongest, well lead clubs in the league.

There were some outstanding individual performances with T. Forder making 789 runs, an average of 65.75 and D. Jones with 847 runs, an average of 47.75. With the ball S. Critchlow taking 32 wickets. The 2nd eleven had M. Johnson with 419 runs and D. Waterhouse with 41 wickets to thank. A stand of 341 between T. Forder and D. Jones against Buxworth in July was something to behold, a league record we are led to believe. The awards for the season went to T. Forder and D. Waterhouse.

Clubman of the year award was awarded to Darren Gibson for all his tremendous efforts on and off the field ably assisted by his sidekick and brains of the operation Dan Gibson.

The juniors fulfilled their fixtures and competed very well. The club embarked on the ECB All Stars program which was well supported by all. This needs to continue to keep the junior section running.

The ground was again in supreme condition, so credit to the grounds men A. Gould and A. Allsopp. The latter having mown his last piece of grass on the hallowed turf. Many thanks for his loyal and faithful service on and off the field. We, now therefore need more help on the ground for the upcoming season.

Our teas again have been exceptional and thanks must go to the ladies and gentleman that help produce them. Can we all please provide one person for a tea as this will help your captains out and make life for them much easier, it’s a couple of hours out of your loved ones life once a season if every player finds a tea lady.

We have further plans for the future with a new implement shed, power supply for the scoreboard and pavilion, drag on nets and improvements to the showers. This shows the determined commitment of your Committee to keep pushing this great club forward.

Thank you to everybody for all the hard work and more importantly keep enjoying the game and the facilities we are able to provide.

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